Foot Fault!

Calling all the lines of professional tennis

I’ll Believe it When I See It, Novak


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One Response to I’ll Believe it When I See It, Novak

  1. susan July 27, 2011 at 5:41 pm

    Regarding Novak and that Mexico exo, you apparently got everything arse about with these:

    I’m sure there is so much more to it, but from the outside this all makes Rafa look so bad. 2 hours ago
    Rafa’s team apparently pretty much said that they’re considering anyone for the exo - anyone but Novak. #enemies 2 hours ago

    The first info appeared in Mexican press and they reported as if it was all a done deal (Novak & Rafa exo in November or December). So then Rafa’s agent had to deny it’s a done deal, explaining they are only now negotiating it and that it would be probably Rafa and somebody else. Then Novak also denied it on his Facebook - the rumours in Mexican press were false, he’s not participating.

    As for who’s looking bad, it was actually Nole who openly stated in one of his Wimbledon pressers that he cannot be friends with his fellow competitors, while fighting “for history”. And earlier on he parted ways with their mutual PR Barbadillo. There was also that vulgar Madrid celebration of the Team Nole through the streets and in front of the player’s hotel after winning the Masters. Nole’s brother mocked Fed and Rafa on Tweeter. His mother made post-Wimbledon statements it’s all about Nole-Nole-Nole now, Rafa and Fed are forgotten. Most recently, Nole posed with his hands up at Tipsy’s gunpoint, under a Rafa-insulting caption.

    So it seems it was Nole who broke ties and who looks pretty bad, not the other way around.

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