Foot Fault!

Calling all the lines of professional tennis

Quotable Quotes: Robert Radwanski Being Stupid For a Change…

Following Agnieszka Radwanska’s decision to sever ties with her father Robert Radwanski after Wimbledon, Radwanski has recently been on the war-path in Polish media, criticizing his daughter for just about everything he can think of.

“If they will decide to split up with me, they will find out the truth - the truth of life.

“Agnieszka believes that those ‘clappers’ from (the) Polish Tennis Association are great, wonderful, brilliant and just her father is evil. (The) nonsense spoken by those “well-wishers” did its job. Agnieszka suddenly claimed that she was a smart alec and she stopped listening. Father imposed discipline, told her (of) all errors aloud. Yes, sometimes too ostentatiously but if the defeats became a standard I just was not able to do it in a different way. In one moment I realised that I banged my head against a brick wall. But I never was and will never be a clapper! So I say once more that all those arguments were arguments between player and coach, not daughter and father.

“Excuse me. But so far Agnieszka did nothing great. Yes, yes. Please don’t act so surprised! When I hear that in Carlsbad she achieved her biggest success in career, I just smile with pity. She just defended her 2010 points from that tournament and instead of losing the final, she won. And if she doesn’t agree with my opinion, let her win the US Open to spite me. I wish her that from all my heart and I will be really happy if she does! If she does at least reach the semifinal, then I will stand corrected with pleasure and I will claim that those changes brought something. So far I am waiting.”

Bitter. Crazy. Immature. Petty. Idiotic. Stupid… I could go on for years. My favourite line is actually the very first; “they will find out the truth - the truth of life.” Surely he realises how hard it is to take him seriously when he comes up with crap like that?

Needless to say, I’m so glad both Radwanskas have found the strength to say ‘no’ and distance themselves from their domineering dad. Let’s hope it stays this way.

One Response to Quotable Quotes: Robert Radwanski Being Stupid For a Change…

  1. utkarsh August 13, 2011 at 7:46 am

    Omg. I didn’t know things are this bad between father and the daughters. Aga is doing so great atm. That’s so great

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