Foot Fault!

Calling all the lines of professional tennis

So, the Jankovics and Troickis *apparently* want to murder each other

During my little blogging break, the Serbian media have been running a story about the Jankovics and Troickis who are alleged to be locked in some bitter Montague-Capulet-esque family feud.

“Viktor was having a massage, and and Snezana, Jelena’s Mum, stormed into the room and started yelling at him and the massage therapists, claiming that he can not seem to be in line for a massage before her daughter. Victor was then cursed and was really unpleasant situation - reveals a close friend of the Serbian players.

“In return, Viktor swore at her. Jelena’s mother then threatened him, telling him not to mess with her because she is from Zvezdara, and he answered that he wasn’t afraid of her threats since he’s from Dorcol.

“Several months later, Jelena’s brothers met and greeted Viktor in Miami, where they live, but he just turned away and wouldn’t talk to anyone from Jelena’s family.” - said a friend of the Serbian tennis players.

Regardless of whether this is true, I think congratulations are in order.

If it is true, then congratulations to Sneki for achieving the seemingly impossible feat of actually being crazier than any of us could have possibly imagined. I mean, shouting down a grown man and threatening him? Essentially saying that she’s from the ‘hood and people from her hometown will come and sort him out for something as trivial as taking her massage appointment? Crazy, crazy hoodrat behaviour.

However, the likelihood is that it isn’t true. Particularly as Sneki herself has apparently spoken out saying that there are no problems between the two families and that Vik is a great guy. But even so, the writer of this article deserves congratulations for pure imagination. It’s one of those things that you just *can’t* make up, and yet he/she has managed to do just that. Bravo.

One Response to So, the Jankovics and Troickis *apparently* want to murder each other

  1. Ixa August 23, 2011 at 9:02 pm

    Snežana nije rekla da porodice nisu u svađi, već je samo poslala redakciji SMS gde je napisala “Viktor je divan dečko, pozdrav”. Možda je bila ironična. Ova priča kruži Srbijom već 2-3 godine, a da li je istina ili ne to će se videti. Inače, Jelena je zaštićena od strane medija u Srbiji, niko nesme ništa ružno da napiše o njoj, tako da me ne bi ništa iznenadilo. Znam da je Jelena tvoja omiljena teniserka, ali daleko je ona od cvećke.

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